Friday, July 10, 2009


"The most important part of vegetarianism is the real shift in consciousness that takes place. There is a true correlation between our food choices and violence in the world. The only person who would disagree with that is a meat-eater" – Peter Burwash, Davis Cup Winner.

"I don’t eat meat because meat brings out negative qualities such as fear, anger, anxiety, aggressiveness, etc. Vegetables peacefully offer themselves to the earth when ripe, thus allowing a sublime and peaceful thought-consciousness"- Carlos Santana, Musician.

"Truly man is the king of beasts for his brutality exceeds theirs. We live by the death of others: we are burial places" – Leonardo Da Vinci, Artist, scientist, poet and musician.

"When one becomes a vegetarian, it purifies the soul" – Isaac Bashevis Singer, Author, Nobel laureate
What is the relationship between Spirituality & Meat????

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