Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Circus Is Cruel To Animals
I was pretty shocked to see that "Candyman presents Russian Circus" ;-) was houseful for all Shows.(Well I didnt visit the circus but I know people trying to buy tickets)

Not only children even educated adults seem to be fans of circus.

What shocked me even more was, some people actually say things like "atleast the animal is getting food, in the jungle they would starve" & "they are taught to perform those tricks in a humane manner, they must be enjoying it".I wanted to laugh my ass out, at these statements but all I could do is feel terrible that people are so illiterate despite years of education & grooming :)

But the reality of circus is worse than anybody can imagine.
Source : http://lists.envirolink.org/pipermail/ar-news/Week-of-Mon-20040510/024922.html


Monday, June 29, 2009


World Hunger and Resources

Ever seen kids from the 3rd World???Walking skeletons with bloated up stomachs!!!
Children so thin that it would remind you of the model of the Skeleton in your biology Lab. Children so sad they have forgotten to smile.
Children so weak that they never "go out and play"
its called World Hunger, yes...as you chew on your steak in one corner of the world, in the other corner there are children dieing of starvation.
Your innocent greed for meat is causing wastage of land & water resources which could have otherwise been used to feed these children.
Read more....
Source : http://www.emagazine.com/view/?142

Meat production today is inhumane

95% of the world's population is compassionate by nature.
93% of the world's population will not kill a defenseless creature.
91% of the world's population cannot watch a gory video on animal cruelty.
But still 89% of the world's population eats meat.
Because most meat eaters are unaware of the tragedies of 'Modern day Animal Farms'
This is a nice article by Peter Singer, professor of bioethics at Princeton University and the author, with Jim Mason, of The Way We Eat: Why Our Food Choices Matter © Project Syndicate 2006 project-syndicate.org
Video by PETA

Sunday, June 28, 2009

10 WTF Statistics on Meat and Global Warming

Global Warming!!! & You say you care!!!!

Every tom, dick & harry talks about Global Warming. So do I?:)

But how many of us really care? How many of us really do something towards it? How many of us make conscious choices to save our Mother Earth? How many of us are ready to make small modifications in our lifestyle to suit our planet? How many of us are ready to spare 5 minutes to read these "WTF statistics" on Meat Production??
